Vol.1 No.1 – 1st Edition, 2017

Table of Content

  • Implementation of C4.5 and PAPI Kostick to Predict Students Potential as Organization Caretaker (Author: Ricky Jiandy, Yustinus Widya Wiratama, Seng Hansun) | p.1-5. | Download
  • Implementation Clustering Algorithm for Software Refactoring at The Level Package System (Author: R. Nindyasari, A.A. Riadi ) | p.6-11 | Download 
  • AndroSIBI : Deaf-Mute Sign Language Indonesian Recognition System Based On The Mobile Communication Platform (Author: Mohammad Iqbal , Endang Supriyati, Tri Listyorini ) | p.12-17 | Download
  • A Non-Word Error Spell Checker for Patient Complaints in Bahasa Indonesia (Author: Chanifah Indah Ratnasari, Sri Kusumadewi, Linda Rosita ) | p.18-23 | Download
  • Linked Data Processing for Data Visualization with Clustering based on LINGO (Author: Any Kartika Sari, Mardhani Riasetiawan) | p.24-29 | Download